Music. Metal music. Like most of young people of their generation, members of CHECKMATE have gathered round this same passion. A passion which has linked them for so many years. Curiosity, need for understanding the complexity of music, desire of finding the key of this curious assembly made with noise, notes and rhythm, this delicious alchemy, have become a real obsession.
The Band has a key word : “METAL is an ALCHEMY”. Behind the screams, the saturated chords, the dissonance, and the deafening rythms, there is music. Through there creations CHECKMATE questions about the deep signification of this unusual music. Each piece is a part of the answer, because this is what music is all about. In a poetic way, Checkmate develop a new idea of what Metal is through the myth of the Alchemy.
The band has only one project…
I wanted to post it on Wikipedia last week. I spoke about it to a friend and he said to me : “don’t do it. Your article will be censored and suppressed by Wikipedia’s directors because this kind of text is regared as self promotion...”. This relevant reflection raises a very important question : where is the frontier between information and advertising ? What a legitimate information is ? Wikipedia seems to answered it, but in a very arbitrary way...